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Hackathon "Coding Copernicus"

On August 24-25, the Hackathon "Coding Copernicus" will take place in Bonn. Teams will develop new creative applications based on Copernicus earth observation data for a more sustainable and climate-friendly future. Within 24 hours, one of the three challenges - city, country or transport - is to be worked on.

During the hackathon, participants will be supervised by experts who will provide support with programming, brainstorming and advice on financing options. Who is the hackathon aimed at? Anyone over the age of 18, space enthusiasts, developers, programmers, computer scientists, graphic designers or anyone who has always wanted to work with Copernicus data. Programming skills are an advantage, but not a prerequisite for participating in the hackathon. At the end of the hackathon, each team will present its idea. Whoever convinces the jury wins. The winning team will receive prize money of €1,500 and a starter package on CODE-DE. On top of that, there will be a guided tour of the European Astronaut Center at the DLR site in Cologne-Porz.

Further information on the hackathon and registration can be found here.