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Point of contact
Konstanze Fila
Austrian Research Promotion Agency - FFG
Sensengasse 1
1090 Vienna
Phone: +43577553312

Beyond the Satellites - Bringing Copernicus to the people

During the action, a mobile presentation platform was developed which demonstrates the opportunities and benefits of Earth Observation.

“Beyond the Satellites” – also called CORINNA (“Copernicus for Research and Innovation in Austria”) - is an interactive exhibit, which focuses on displaying how Copernicus data can provide insightful information on regional and global topics. It demonstrates the importance of Copernicus data in providing information about the past, present and future of our planet and its changing climate. The exhibit has been designed as a multiscreen setup showing different “data windows” and enables the audience to interact with the art installation: an integrated camera observes the audiences movements and then imitates and displays these movement patterns on the screens in an colorful way.

The presentation platform motivates the public to explore Copernicus data sets and the benefits of EO-data in an interactive and playful way. Furthermore, interesting projects and approaches based on Copernicus data are displayed on the screens. The art installation has been created by Ars Electronica Linz GmbH.

It has so far been successfully exhibited at three important events at various locations in Austria. Participation in these events was high and a large, international audience from various background was reached. The presentation platform will be installed at further will therefore play a vital part in communicating the benefits that Earth Observation data and specifically Copernicus data can provide.


The main achievements are: